Substance was invited for the third year to create the titles and graphics package for TEDx Sydney -
with 2019 being the 10th year anniversary event, and largest TEDxSydney ever.
with 2019 being the 10th year anniversary event, and largest TEDxSydney ever.
I was lucky enough to be considered for the project and work alongside a number of great artists.
Direction: Scott Geersen
Layout & Cinematography: Substance
Creative Direction: Rich Nosworthy, Rory McLean, Nemanja Ivanovic,
Jesus Suarez, Ezequiel Grand, Aaron Covrett, Jason Poley
Edit: Joe Morris
Original Music: Michael Yezerski
Sound Design: Dave Robertson

We store the knowledge of humankind in libraries. We conserve our art in museums and galleries. We hoard the genes of plants and seeds in the Svalbard vault, and record and reproduce our lives digitally. If a legacy is something valuable to be passed down, we should be well on our way to the ultimate gift.
When orbital construction commenced on the ISS Legacy X in 2019, it was the natural extension to these ideas. A safeguard. An archive. A collection that preserves and juxtaposes humankind’s achievements and the diversity of the natural world, and asks us to confront the complex relationship between the two.
Though valuable beyond measure, humankind’s true hope for the Legacy X remains that we need never use it.

As part of the event graphics package, Substance also provided 9k-wide (equivalent of 5xHD) animated loops for slide backgrounds for speakers and sessions, as well as high-res stills for the event programme.